/BCO-DMO/Seal_Response_to_Prey/seal_and_prey_stable_isotopes --common_name eq Plainfin_mishipman-- Level 1

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# Isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen from harbor seals and
#  prey species.
# Lead PI: Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
# Version: 04 Dec 2012
sample_id         lab_id   date_lab    d13C_VPDB  pcnt_C  d15N_air  pcnt_N  
062               G-21704  04/24/2009  -16.92     47.80   13.49     11.07   
063               G-21705  04/24/2009  -17.11     42.94   12.99     9.48    
064               G-21706  04/24/2009  -16.92     47.17   13.60     9.07    
065               G-21707  04/24/2009  -15.80     46.49   13.01     10.88   
066               G-21708  04/24/2009  -16.68     40.77   13.17     9.16    
067               G-21709  04/24/2009  -17.78     49.66   13.00     9.50    
068               G-21710  04/24/2009  -17.85     45.31   12.26     8.79    
069               G-21711  04/24/2009  -16.10     36.33   13.58     8.56    
070               G-21712  04/24/2009  -16.59     46.92   14.50     10.88